How Shipping Containers Can Affect Your eCommerce Business

First impressions can improve future business relations or hinder growth and success. The way you present your website, goods and place of business plays an important role in how professional consumers view your company. When operating an eCommerce website, your shipping containers and packaging materials can help a customer determine if he or she wants to continue doing business with your organization. While a plain white box may be cost effective, it could damage your reputation and decrease the value your customer holds within your products.

People Are Visual Spenders

A large portion of people that spend money on various goods do so because the product “looks” good. These individuals will spend the money to purchase those products without knowing whether it”s high-quality or not. Visual appeal is a strong motivator when it comes to opening a customer”s wallet, and your packaging materials could capitalize on inspiring repeat business from first-time shoppers. Regardless if you sell footwear, coffee, consumer electronics or candles, the box the customer opens may make the person feel like he or she has made a good purchase. Even liquidated and used merchandise that doesn”t have original packaging could greatly benefit from your own brand and logo for shipping purposes.


Properly Using Images for Packaging Materials

Although people are incredibly visual-minding when it comes to purchasing goods, there is such a thing as too many graphics. Your packaging materials shouldn”t look like the newspaper ad section of a department store”s Black Friday sale. In many ways, simple imagery can be more effective for your shipping containers. Some businesses only provide the company”s logo on the product”s packaging. This creates an association of the logo with the company brand. It also provides the means for a customer to know what the company supplies simply by seeing the image anywhere he or she shops. If you sell a variety of products from your eCommerce website, a generalized company logo and/or basic niche image may be more effective.

Don”t Underestimate the Random Element

While you should have concern for what a customer thinks of your product packaging after purchasing from your eCommerce site, don”t forget the random element of others. This includes family members, friends, neighbors and anyone else that may see the package with your brand or logo in plain site. As many people are inherently curious, they may be prompted to look up your company. Your packaging materials could be considered vices for marketing in this regard possibly creating leads and sale conversions in the process.

By including information such as the website address, business name, logo and possibly the product within, you provide additional marketability for goods that are shipped. Although the product may be top-of-the-line or professionally handcrafted, a plain and featureless box could denote a sense of unprofessionalism from your consumers. Inspire excitement within your customers as they open that designer box to find the goods they purchased. It may play a pivotal role in their decisions to purchase from your eCommerce site in the future.

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About Author
Ajay is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechFrill.
